Dunno meaning
Dunno meaning

dunno meaning

The expression "I dunno" has been recognized as a common variation of "I don't know" for decades and the slang acronym "LOL" also has a long history of usage. The important point that intonation is more important in this context still stands, but I’ve updated the post to better reflect Hawkins and Smith.The online history of the term "¯\(°_o)/¯" remains sparsely documented due to the fact that most search engine omit certain characters like slashes and dashes for more accurate search results. Lots of people tweeted about this article that they use a variety of vowels, or a nasal. written as, which does not reflect the original Hawkins and Smith article. Italian Journal of Linguistics- Rivista di Linguistica 13, 99-188. (2001) Polysp: A polysystemic, phonetically-rich approach to speech understanding. Just as in the more clearly-spoken utterance, so that, at least in this situational context,  is nonsense whereas is not.” (Hawkins & Smith 2001, p. (s will not do), and the vowels must start more open (and probably more fronted) than they finish,

dunno meaning

Notice that the intonation pattern alone is not enough: at least the vowels must be there Newspaper is, and B does not know, but does not feel that she needs to stop reading her book in order Successful communication between relaxed family members, for example when A asks B where the Something like and  (intonation not marked). Rather stylized intonation and rhythm, with very weak segmental articulation, ranging between At the other extreme, it is possible-Īgain, only in the right circumstances-to convey one’s meaning perfectly adequately by means of a Seem willing to accept that the speaker really does not know. (I…do…not…know) and (in most cases) is so rude that it can only be used when the listener does not An even more extreme form has pauses between the words For example, it is hard to say the fully expanded form I do not know withoutĬonveying some degree of exasperation. However, there are many other variants, the most extreme forms of which can only be used in Range between I don’t know and dunno, both of which can be pronounced in a number of different Wide variety of ways of conveying the meaning of I do not know.

dunno meaning

“Most native speakers of English have an impressively Personally, I just think it’s nifty that someone transcribed one of my bad habits and made it look rather impressive.įrom the Hawkins & Smith paper arguing for polysystemic speech understanding: Sarah Hawkins and Rachel Smith used this form to argue that we need a model of understanding speech that takes into account the individual sounds, and the intonation, as well as the way these are processed. The transcription of this very very reduced form of ‘I don’t know’ is. But, it turns out that this massive reduction of speech to something that is still meaningful says a lot about the role of prosody. I always used to get into trouble with my mum for reducing ‘I don’t know’ into nothing more than a three note grunt. 2,636 notes J - That’s the way you mumble ‘I dunno’, and it has implications for the nature of meaning

Dunno meaning